Italian salami and cold cuts are expanding in Brazil. The new interesting promotion program involves many targets: journalists, foodies, importers, retail buyers, HORECA channel, and cooking schools. Istituto Valorizzazione Salumi Italiani (IVSI), the Institute for the Enhancement of Italian Salami and Cold Cuts, proposes its know-how in one of the most loved Country by Italians. With the collaboration and contribution of ICE agency, IVSI is a leader in the framework of a promotion program that focuses in San Paolo. This programme also involves social media, with a Facebook page, instagram, and website. The promotion programme in Brazil this summer was preceded by a visit, which took place in July, by an important delegation of reporters in Sao Paulo. Through a targeted tour organized by IVSI and ICE Agency, our Brazilian guests had the opportunity of knowing some of the Italian culinary excellences, the territories from which these products come, and also of tasting the best representations in the cultural and culinary domain that Italy can express.
This is not the first time for IVSI in Brazil. A first promotional campaign took place in 1998, when export to this Country was still considered as a pioneer undertaking. Since then, exports of Italian salami and cold cuts to Brazil in 2014 have more than doubled their volume and nearly tripled their value. As a matter of fact, exports consisted in about 305 tonnes (2.2 million Euros) in 1998, while in 2014 735 tonnes for 6.1 million Euros were recorded (data communicated by Assica, Associazione Industriali delle Carni e dei Salumi - Industrial Association of Meat and Salami - member of Confindustria). Within the sector of salami and cold cuts, the most exported products are seasoned uncooked ham, ‘bologna’, Vienna sausages and other cooked sausages, salami and cold cuts.
Francesco Pizzagalli, President of IVSI, said: ‘The recent opening (dating back to June 2014) of Brazil for salami and cold cuts seasoned for at least 30 days (salami, bacon, ‘coppa’ pork sausage, etc.) has allowed to expand the range of Italian meats which can be exported to Brazil, so helping to stimulate investment in this Country. We will try to spread both characteristics in terms of quality of Italian delicatessen and guarantees offered by our production chain, also focusing on differentiation from Italian sounding products. It will be necessary to help to understand the qualitative differences between our meats and local products or products coming from other Countries, in order to compete successfully with both Brazilian producers and other competitors’.
The increase in purchasing power has allowed wider opportunities of spending. These effects are visible not only in the increase in purchases in the food sector, but also, and especially, in a change of diet. As a matter of fact, in recent years a progressive increase in the consumption of meat products, including precisely salami and cold cuts, has been recorded (ICE data).