Gourmandia – Le Terre Golose del Gastronauta is going to take place during the 13th, 14th and 15th of May for its second edition in Santa Lucia di Piave, near Treviso. Main theme of the festival, created by David Paolini, Gastronauta founder and Il Sole 24 Ore and Radio24 wine journalist, will be the artisan food and the raw material as a vehicle of the taste.
There will be a lot of stories at Gourmandia made of guaranteed raw material that will alternate between the events scheduled for this second edition. For exemple, the story of Andrea Rossi of ODP (Horizons of the fisherman) that will talk about the history of Moeche, a Venetian specialty, on the opening day of the exhibition. There will be also the story of Mariangela Montanari, of Cà del Non, that for more than a century produces the traditional Balsamic, a product that speaks of the places in which it is born, of its people and their traditions.
The importance of the raw material will be present also in the panels of the chefs present during these three days: Denis Lovatel of Pizzeria da Ezio, Nicola Portinari of La Peca, Emauele Scarello of Agli Amici Restaurant in Udine, Riccardo dal Prà, starred chef from Belluno, and much more.