3 May 2015 - 6 May 2015 7:30 - 18:30

The aim of TUTTOFOOD, whose location is Rho Fiera near Milan, is to put togheter industry production channels with the Italian and foreign distribution, from deli stores to Private Labels. The perfect place where to compare experiences, analyse market trends, understand the evolution of food consumption and purchase patterns thanks to targeted workshops, forums, conferences and meetings.
A modern and professional B2B event, which will inform participants onmarket trends and new consumption patterns so as to better direct marketing activities. An event able to meet both the needs of companies mainly looking at the domestic market and those mainly looking for export opportunities, boasting a significant contribution from the whole food chain.
TUTTOFOOD 2015 is a fundamental platform for discussion and critical debate on key topics of nutrition which, in 2015, will be the central issue of Expo 2015, where TUTTOFOOD will be the inaugural event starting just two days after the beginning of Expo 2015.