Eurovo Group was one of the protagonist of the twenty-seventh edition of Biofach, the international exhibition dedicated to the organic world, with its entire range of organic products from different brands.
"Biofach was a chance to show all of our product lines dedicated to the organic market to international operators - said Federico Lionello, Eurovo Group Sales and marketing director. This exhibition allowed us to collect the requests of professionals and it encouraged us to perfect our products in relation to market requirements. Our group – he added - has always paid particular attention to consumers demands, which, in recent years, are choosing increasingly on the basis of the origin of food, health and animal welfare, other than sustainability of the products they buy. To meet their needs we expanded our offer, becoming a leader in Italy in the production of organic eggs and egg products from organic farming".
These are the products shown at Biofach by the Group: Le Naturelle Bio, Eurovo Service, Eps and Maxim.