Quality, freshness, and taste distinguish the fresh egg pasta extruded through bronze and frozen produced by Canuti Tradizione Italiana. This workshop was established in Rimini in 1950. Their history was born from love for their roots, passion for fresh pasta, and interest for innovation. Today, after more than sixty years, this Company is technologically in the lead, adequate to the most advanced international quality and safety standards, and has more than 150 references for 4 exclusive pasta lines, including short, long and stuffed types of pasta, produced without the addition of preservatives or additives, so that they remain unchanged from the moment in which they are produced to the tables of hotels and restaurants worldwide.
There is something to suit any taste!
The pasta produced by Canuti Tradizione Italiana is genuine, characterized by very good taste and excellent yield. It is prepared following the traditional recipes, with controlled ingredients and through the use of bronze die. This device allows sheet to acquire the characteristic roughness which shows its high quality. Among the top of the range we find ‘ Le Classiche’ (The Classic Ones), the pasta line featuring the finest Italian traditions, 'Le Riscoperte (The Rediscovered Ones)’, an exclusive line of traditional stuffed pasta with a unique flavour derived only from stone milled flour and prepared with highest quality ingredients, and 'Le A Mano (The Ones Prepared by Hand)', stuffed pasta closed by means of artisan methods, characterized by thin sheet and with fillings and sizes which collect the history of Italian gastronomy. The range of flavours proposed by ‘Canuti Tradizione Italiana’ continues with the wide selection of ‘Corte (Short)’, ‘Lunghe (Long)’, ‘Ripiene (Stuffed)’ Pasta, typical of each Italian region, ‘Gnocchi’, simple and stuffed, and such baked goods as ‘lasagne’, ‘cannelloni’, and stuffed ‘cannelloni’. The most recent pasta line, 'Le Biospeciali di Canuti', consists on frozen fresh organic egg pasta realized with four special flours: wholemeal, with buckwheat, spelt, and Khorasan Kamut wheat. The aim consists in meeting the increasingly precise needs for organic food with high nutritional value, and proposed by the operators involved in this domain, that is to say first of all chefs and catering professionals.