Chestnuts, a year of rebirth

After years of difficulty, the harvest of Italian chestnuts see the light again, since it reached about 30 million kilograms for 2017 (+ 25% compared to 2016, according to Coldiretti). DHL Global Forwarding sent numerous tons to the United States, where the fruit is particularly loved, especially for traditional Thanksgiving recipes. Brought in the U.S. by the growing Italian emigration, chestnut continues to be appreciated by the Americans who recognize the quality of the IGP and Dop Made in Italy varieties, in particular the precious chestnuts of the areas of Avellino, Benevento and Irpinia.
If the outlook is confirmed, Campania would achieve a productive recovery about 67.5% of the regional productive potential, which is between 400 thousand and 450 thousand quintals of the early 2000s.
Chestnuts are sent mainly by sea, because of the cost of transport, but during holiday times the request by air is growing. By sea chestnuts take about 15-18 days to reach destination. By air they arrive at their destination after 3 days.
Chestnuts sent to the US by DHL Global Forwarding are subjected to an antiparasitic fumigation process to preserve the quality of the product: a process that uses products that are not harmful to human health and that preserves all the organoleptic qualities of the chestnut. The procedure is also essential to comply with the strict regulations in terms of imports of food by the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA), to prevent the spread of parasitic germs and bacteria from other countries.

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