Asiago Cheese, the sensory assessors have the last word regarding PDO (Protected Designation Origin)

ASIAGO stagionato


After the ageing, which must take place in the area of production, the Asiago cheese has to be judged from a sensory evaluation point of view by the expert cheese evaluators. The analysis is entrusted by the Consortium to an external and independent company, with the aim to clarify if the cheese can be marketed with the Asiago PDO logo. This happens if it meets all the characteristics required by the production specifications. The levels of acidity, spiciness, colour, etc. are evaluated on the basis of specific rating scales.

Fresh Asiago cheese
Fresh Asiago cheese has a taste of fresh milk, it melts in your mouth releasing a sweet but slightly sour taste. The colour of the cheese when it is cut is white or cream colour. The holes are marked and irregular. The touch is as soft as a cake and elastic. The scent is reminiscent of yogurt and butter.

Aged Asiago cheese
Aged Asiago cheese must have a strong and savory taste that, with aging, is enriched with spicy accents. The colour of the cheese when it is cut is cream or light cream. The holes are small or medium size. The touch is compact (a characteristic that increases with the aging), but soft in texture. Its aroma is reminiscent of bread dough or pizza, almonds and dried hazelnuts.

Jessika Pini

About Ugo Stella

Sono un giornalista cui piacciono i punti di vista originali e un po' fuori dal coro, dove si possa trovare qualcosa di nuovo e stimolante. Attento alla tendenze di consumo, mi considero un foodie sempre alla ricerca di novità in campo alimentare, arrivino dalla produzione o dalla tradizione.

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